ChatGPT: An Ideal Tool for Autistic People to Practice Authentic Communication

ChatGPT: An Ideal Tool for Autistic People to Practice Authentic Communication

As an autistic therapist with a decade of experience, I've developed a unique perspective on the autistic experience. My professional observations, combined with my personal journey, have revealed nuances and trends in autism that are often overlooked or unnoticed. This dual insight has led me to identify several key themes in the autistic community that merit further exploration.

The past year has been particularly intriguing with the advent of AI technologies like ChatGPT. I've observed a natural affinity among adult autistics toward these AI tools. We seem to interact with AI with intuitive ease, a phenomenon that extends beyond mere technological proficiency. Many people I see in therapy, including those not in tech-centric professions, have expressed comfort in communicating with AI. This isn't surprising, given that AI, at its core, is a sophisticated computer language model. It resonates with the common autistic inclination towards structured, logical patterns, making AI-based communication almost second nature.

These observations highlight the evolving role of technology in our lives and underscore the unique ways autistic individuals may interact with these advancements. As we delve deeper into this topic, we'll explore how AI tools like ChatGPT can be harnessed to support and enrich the autistic experience, particularly in communication.

What makes ChatGPT and AI so appealing to autistic people?

The feedback I've received regarding using and enjoying AI tools like ChatGPT has been enlightening and prompted me to examine this phenomenon further. Many autistic individuals have shared their experiences, highlighting a sense of comfort and a genuine appreciation for the capabilities of tools like ChatGPT. This feedback has led me to draw some insightful conclusions about why these tools resonate strongly within the autistic community. Here are some of the key reasons I've identified, explaining why many autistic people find ChatGPT to be an exceptionally comfortable and effective communication tool:

  1. Strength in Detail-Oriented Thinking: Many autistic individuals can focus on details and delve deeply into subjects they are passionate about. Similarly, ChatGPT is designed to handle detailed and specific information effectively. This shared strength in detail-oriented thinking highlights the profound depth and richness in how autistic individuals engage with their interests, paralleling the AI's capacity to provide in-depth responses. This skill can be advantageous in interacting with AI, as it enables them to notice nuances in the AI’s responses and provide detailed, specific inputs that lead to more accurate and relevant outputs from the AI.

  2. Clarity and Precision in Communication: Autistic individuals often excel in clear, precise communication, valuing directness and unambiguous language. ChatGPT operates best with straightforward and specific prompts, reflecting a similar appreciation for clarity and precision. This shared preference can lead to more efficient and effective communication, underscoring the value of directness and specificity that autistic individuals bring to interactions.

  3. Systematic and Logical Approach: The systematic and logical approach to processing information is a strength shared by many autistic individuals and ChatGPT. This systematic way of thinking allows for deep analysis and understanding, highlighting the cognitive strengths of autistic individuals in organizing and processing information logically and thoroughly.

  4. Consistency in Responses and Interactions: Autistic individuals often appreciate and thrive in consistent and predictable environments. ChatGPT's algorithm-driven responses offer a level of predictability and consistency in interaction. This shared preference underscores the comfort and effectiveness of stability and predictability, which can be particularly empowering for autistic individuals.

  5. Unique Perspectives on Problem-Solving: Just as ChatGPT can provide novel insights based on its programming and data, autistic individuals often bring unique and valuable perspectives to problem-solving. Their different way of seeing the world can lead to innovative solutions and creative thinking, similar to how AI can offer unexpected yet effective answers.

  6. Respect for Literal Interpretation: Autistic individuals may prefer or excel at literal language interpretation, whereas ChatGPT also operates effectively. This shared characteristic emphasizes the importance and value of clear and literal communication and the unique insights that can arise from a straightforward interpretation of information. Since AI tends to interpret inputs literally, particularly in its current form, autistic individuals inclined towards literal interpretation can communicate effectively with AI. They can formulate queries and interpret responses in a way that closely aligns with the AI’s processing style. An autistic user might find it easier to interact with ChatGPT, knowing that the AI will mirror their literal interpretation of language.

  7. Deep and Focused Interests: Autistic individuals often have deep, focused interests in specific topics. AI can be a powerful tool for exploring these interests, providing vast amounts of information, and answering complex queries in areas of special interest to the user.

  8. Eliminate Non-verbal Communication: In face-to-face interactions, some autistic individuals might find it challenging to interpret non-verbal cues. ChatGPT, operating solely on text input, removes the need to simultaneously process non-verbal communication, aligning well with the preferences of those more comfortable with purely verbal communication.

  9. Control Over Pace: The ability to control the pace of the conversation with ChatGPT allows users to process information at their own speed, making communication less stressful and more manageable.

  10. Directness in Social Interaction: ChatGPT lacks the ability to engage in social pleasantries or small talk as humans do, focusing instead on directly answering the query. This straightforward communication can be preferable for some autistic individuals who may find social niceties and indirect communication wasteful and annoying.

  11. Pattern Recognition and Patternicity: ChatGPT, like many individuals on autistic people, excels at recognizing patterns in data. This ability to identify and work with patterns is fundamental to how ChatGPT processes language and information.

Caution when Comparing Autistic people to AI

The comparison here is intended to explore communication styles and information processing, not to equate autistic individuals with machines. It's about understanding how different ways of processing information can affect interactions and communication, not about the value or humanity of individuals.

I also want to emphasize that while these comparisons highlight how ChatGPT aligns with how many autistic people prefer to communicate, it is also important not to extrapolate and overly compare autistic people to AI. In considering the potential risks of such comparisons, we should remain mindful of the following aspects:

  1. Human Complexity and Emotion: Autistic individuals, like all humans, possess complex emotions, thoughts, and experiences that AI cannot replicate. AI, including ChatGPT, operates based on algorithms and data without consciousness, emotions, or personal experiences. Comparing autistic individuals to AI simplifies and overlooks the rich emotional life and complexity of human experiences. Autism is part of neurological diversity, characterized by a wide range of emotions, empathy, and personal experiences, which AI cannot replicate. The comparison could inadvertently reinforce harmful stereotypes that autistic individuals lack emotional depth.

  2. Risk of Dehumanization: Such comparisons might be seen as dehumanizing, reducing autistic individuals to their cognitive processes and ignoring their humanity. Recognize that autistic people are fully human, with unique experiences, emotions, and perspectives.

  3. Diversity within Autistic People: Autistic people come with a vast range of abilities and characteristics, with a high level of intragroup differences. Generalizing based on a comparison with AI can be misleading and fail to represent the diversity within the autistic community. What might be true for one autistic individual may not be true for another.

  4. Stereotyping: Be careful to avoid stereotypes about autistic individuals, such as being overly logical, robotic, or lacking in social skills. Autistic individuals are complex, multifaceted people.

  5. Oversimplification of Challenges: Equating autistic communication styles with AI might oversimplify the challenges that autistic individuals face in a world designed for neurotypical people. It overlooks the societal barriers and the need for greater understanding, accommodation, and inclusion.

Practicing Communication with ChatGPT

ChatGPT offers a unique and empowering opportunity to explore communication on our terms. It's a space to ask questions and express our concerns without following rigid, neurotypical scripts. This tool allows us to step away from awkward and infantilizing 'social skills' programs. Instead, we get to dive into complex, nuanced conversations, practicing real-life scenarios like job interviews or first dates. We can ask clarifying questions and be given feedback in real time, tailored to our preferences. We can practice communication without fear of judgment, shame, or ableist and condescending feedback.

However, while ChatGPT can be a fantastic tool, it is only as valuable as the inputs and intention. ChatGPT should not be used to support neurotypical social skills training or in a way that teaches us to hide our authentic autistic traits. It is also likely that ChatGPT might initially lean towards a neurotypical viewpoint, so we need to steer it with the proper context to make it work for us.

Support Communication without Masking

In providing suggestions for using ChatGPT to support social communication, it's important to emphasize that the goal is not to encourage masking or disguising one's true self to fit into societal norms. Masking, especially in the autistic community, refers to the practice of hiding or suppressing one's natural behaviors, mannerisms, and ways of communication to conform to what is perceived as socially acceptable. This can be mentally and emotionally exhausting and can lead to a loss of identity and a decrease in self-worth.

When using ChatGPT, we should focus on enhancing communication skills that respect and preserve the individual's authentic self. It is essential to understand and navigate the social world without compromising one’s unique neurodivergent characteristics. ChatGPT can be a tool for learning, exploration, and empowerment, but it should not be used to pressure individuals into concealing their true selves.

We can utilize ChatGPT as a safe space to practice and develop skills that make social interactions more comfortable and rewarding while staying true to ourselves. It's about finding a balance where we can express ourselves authentically and engage with others in a way that is respectful and understanding of differences.

How can we use ChatGPT to practice communication?

  1. Processing Time and Pace Control: ChatGPT allows us to interact at our own pace, giving us time to process information and formulate responses without the pressure often felt in real-time conversations.

  2. Practice Conversations: We can use ChatGPT to practice everyday conversations. We can simulate various social scenarios like ordering food, asking for directions, or declining an invitation to an event. This helps build confidence in real-world interactions.

  3. Vocabulary Expansion: ChatGPT can help learn new words and phrases, which can be particularly helpful in understanding and participating in varied conversations. We can use ChatGPT to understand non-literal language, such as idioms, metaphors, and jokes, which are often challenging in everyday communication.

  4. Understand Social Cues: ChatGPT can help explain and practice understanding social cues and norms. We can ask what specific phrases mean, how to interpret emotions in conversation, and what expected responses are in different social situations. We can learn how breaking away from social norms may be perceived and if it is worthwhile to do so.

  5. Feedback on Communication Styles: We can ask for feedback on expressing ourselves and receiving suggestions on conveying our thoughts more effectively in various social contexts. ChatGPT offers a non-judgmental, unbiased platform to explore social communication without fearing being misunderstood or judged. Regular interaction with ChatGPT can build confidence in communication abilities, reducing anxiety in social situations.

  6. Role-Playing: We can suggest role-playing social scenarios with ChatGPT. We can customize scenarios to role-play by providing context and personas, such as workplace interactions, family gatherings, or first dates. We can take on various roles and experiment with different communication styles, helping to understand myriad perspectives.

  7. Feedback on Conversations: We can write down real-life conversations and discuss with ChatGPT to get feedback on what went well and what could be improved. This can be particularly useful with email correspondence, text messages, or social media commentary. ChatGPT can provide a list of suggested responses and predict expected outcomes.

  8. Learning About Boundaries: ChatGPT can help understand and set healthy personal boundaries and respect others' boundaries in social contexts. We can roleplay setting boundaries, which can help prepare for how others may respond.

  9. Dealing with Conflicts: ChatGPT can simulate and manage conflicts. We can review various strategies and explore how they may play out.

  10. Cultural Competency: ChatGPT can be used to learn about different cultures and social norms, which is valuable for interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.

  11. Exploring Special Interests: ChatGPT can engage in conversations about specific topics of interest. This can help us articulate our passions and share them with others.

  12. Emotional Recognition and Expression: We can discuss different emotions with ChatGPT, which can help us recognize and express our emotions more clearly.

  13. Practice Storytelling: We can use ChatGPT to create and practice telling engaging stories. ChatGPT can provide feedback and support in adding overlooked details.

Scenario Examples

  1. Understanding Social Nuances:

    Scenario: Alex, an autistic adult, often finds it challenging to interpret sarcasm or idiomatic expressions in conversations.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Alex asks ChatGPT to explain phrases like "break a leg" or "piece of cake" and why they might be used in conversation. ChatGPT provides clear explanations and examples, helping Alex to better understand these expressions.

  2. Preparing for a Job Interview:

    Scenario: Sam is preparing for a job interview and is nervous about answering questions.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Sam practices common interview questions with ChatGPT, receiving feedback on their responses. They also explore ways to explain their strengths and work experiences, tailoring their answers to feel more confident and authentic. Sam can upload the job description, information about the company, and their resume to give additional context.

  3. Navigating a Social Event

    Scenario: Dana is invited to a large family gathering and is anxious about the social interactions.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Dana discusses potential conversation starters with ChatGPT, topics to avoid, and ways to politely excuse themselves if they need a break. ChatGPT also offers advice on recognizing and respecting personal boundaries. ChatGPT can guide people in potentially volatile situations, such as high-conflict personalities.

  4. Dealing with Conflict:

    Scenario: Lee disagrees with a friend and struggles to express their feelings without escalating the situation.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Lee practices with ChatGPT how to communicate their feelings clearly and calmly, exploring phrases that convey their perspective without blame. They also learn about active listening techniques to better understand their friend's point of view. If the conversation is via text, Lee can request real-time feedback from ChatGPT about how their messages may be received.

  5. Exploring Personal Communication Styles:

    Scenario: Jamie, an autistic adult, wants to understand how to express their thoughts in a way that feels authentic to them.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Jamie uses ChatGPT to explore different ways of expressing their ideas and feelings. They focus on finding language that feels true to their way of thinking rather than trying to conform to neurotypical communication expectations.

  6. Preparing for Workplace Interactions:

    Scenario: Taylor is starting a new job and is concerned about navigating social interactions in the workplace.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Taylor can upload a collection of company newsletters to gain insight into company tone and culture, providing ChatGPT context. Taylor can then practice scenarios they might encounter at work, such as joining a team meeting or asking for help. They focus on strategies that allow them to communicate clearly and effectively while staying true to their natural way of interacting while considering the company culture.

  7. Building Confidence in Social Settings:

    Scenario: Riley feels anxious about attending a social event and wants to engage without feeling overwhelmed.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Riley discusses with ChatGPT ways to initiate conversations that align with their interests and comfort level. They also explore strategies for taking breaks and setting boundaries, ensuring their needs are met in social environments.

  8. Understanding and Expressing Emotions:

    Scenario: Jordan has difficulty identifying and expressing their emotions in ways others understand.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Jordan uses ChatGPT to learn about different emotions and how they might be expressed. They practice describing their feelings in their own words, enhancing their ability to communicate their emotional state to others while respecting their unique emotional processing.

  9. Conflict Resolution While Maintaining Self-Integrity:

    Scenario: Alex has a misunderstanding with a colleague and wants to resolve it without suppressing their own perspective.

    ChatGPT Interaction: Alex practices with ChatGPT how to cleary articulate their viewpoint. They focus on understanding both sides of the conflict and expressing their thoughts in a way that is true to their values and communication style.

Conclusion: ChatGPT's role in supporting autistic individuals highlights a new era in leveraging technology for enhancing personal communication skills. It provides a safe, flexible environment for practicing social interactions, catering uniquely to neurodiverse people. ChatGPT stands out as a powerful ally in embracing and nurturing neurodivergent communication styles, fostering a more inclusive and understanding world.

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